Our Business is Your Politics
Our Business is Your Politics
An informed and business-friendly state legislature is essential to the private sector’s ability to compete in an increasingly global economy. Which is why Enterprise Washington works with its members to support lawmakers who support business.
Bipartisan, Enterprise Washington produces and provides research and strategies aimed at creating an atmosphere in which lawmakers work proactively to help Washington’s private sector thrive.
With our resources, your business can run effective programs aimed at pro-business lawmakers who will fight for the competitiveness of your industry.

Maximize Your Impact
Maximize Your Impact
Enterprise Washington provides leading-edge research and strategies so you can leverage your resources—and your message—and maximize your impact upon the legislative process.
We can connect the dots between what your business or organization wants and how to get it. Enterprise Washington has the strategic resources to help your organization achieve its goals in Olympia.

Cutting-Edge Information and Strategy
Cutting-Edge Information and Strategy
Our members are the most politically engaged and informed businesses and industries in the state. Through sophisticated research and analysis, we provide ways to define and obtain more predictable outcomes.
With our vast database of industry information, voter preferences, and experience with the legislative process, we help our members focus their political spending.